


This is Algbra

Algbra: Decoded Event Highlights

On 2/2/22 we held our highly anticipated unveiling event, Algbra: Decoded.

Algbra: Decoded hosted Algbra’s uniquely diverse community of stakeholders under one roof, including leaders in finance, politics, technology, sports and impact from around the world.

As the speakers took to the stage and the product demo was delivered, the room quickly realised that this is not just another financial institution. This is beyond finance.

We are not a bank. We are a movement.

In Conversation

Zeiad Idris, Lord Philip Hammond, Kelly Devine, Eamon Jubbawy and Alastair Lukies CBE

Zeiad Idris, Lord Philip Hammond, Kelly Devine, Eamon Jubbawy and Alastair Lukies CBE
Play video: In Conversation

Product Demo
— Unveiling

Fizel Nejabat

Co-Founder & COO, Algbra
Fizel Nejabat
Play video: Product Demo
— Unveiling

& Ethics

Abdulkader Thomas

Advisor, Algbra
Abdulkader Thomas
Play video: Values
& Ethics

Event Day

Algbra Card